Floating wind power

Floating offshore wind has the potential to be a game-changing renewable energy technology.

Floating offshore wind turbines utilise floating platforms that are connected to the sea floor with moorings and anchors.

These floating turbines can be deployed in deeper waters and are often further from shore, benefitting from higher wind speeds.

The deployment of this technology can unlock the potential of new and expanded sites for offshore wind development across the world.

Floating wind projects

Corio Generation is a global offshore wind business developing both fixed-bottom and floating wind farms.

We are developing innovative, commercial scale floating wind farms, working together with our partners around the world.

Gray Whale

The 1.5 GW Gray Whale project in South Korea could become one of the world’s largest floating offshore wind developments. The project is being developed by the BadaEnergy consortium comprising of Total Energies, SK Ecoplant and Corio Generation.

Nordvegen Vind

As a part of the Nordvegen Vind project alongside Å Energi, we are developing up to 500 MW of floating offshore wind in Norway. The project, located in the North Sea, aims to put Norway on the offshore wind map by developing a leading floating wind project at Utsira Nord.

“Floating wind is an important part of the future for offshore wind globally. It will facilitate the expansion of offshore wind into new markets and new regions.”

Andy Lewin
Head of Engineering
Corio Generation

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Ahead of the Curve

We are interested to hear from suppliers and partners who share our ambition to deliver floating wind projects

“Making floating wind work will require different ways of working and long-term partners that we can work with across the globe.”

Benoit Lavinal
Head of Procurement
Corio Generation